....restorative practices and behaviour management solutions


Gumbies_at_sign_post.jpg Links 


Victorian Links  
• Australian Association for Restorative Justice - www.aarj.asn.au.  Representing restorative practitioners Australia wide.
• Neighbourhood Justice Centre - www.neighbourhoodjustice.vic.gov.au,


Australian States Links
• Centre for Restorative Justice (SA) - www.restorativepracticesinternational.org
• Circlespeak (NSW) – www.circlespeak.com.au Peta Blood providing training across Australia
• Marg Thorsborne & Associates – www.thorsborne.com.au  Providing training both in Australia, New Zealand and internationally
• Centre for Restorative Justice (ACT) – http://crj.anu.edu.au/ Australian National University –
• Australian Institute of Criminology – www.aic.gov.au/rjustice


International Links
• Restorative Practices International – www.rpiassn.org
• Center for Restorative Justice, Simon Fraser University – www.sfu.ca.cfrj
• International Institute for Restorative Justice – Bethlehem, Pennsylvania – www.iirp.org
• Restorative Justice Aotearoa (NZ) http://www.restorativejusticeaotearoa.org.nz/  is the professional association for restorative practices agencies in New Zealand


Links to other web pages, blogs and wikis:
Restorative practices in Australian Schools:
This blog has been written by Bill Hubbard, Head of Student Welfare at Rosehill College in Auckland, NZ. He was awarded a scholarship by his school to visit a selection of "restorative"schools in Australia. This blog is his diary of those visits and the conclusions he reached.

Undercover teams: This blog has also been written by Bill Hubbard. He has developed a very effective approach for dealing with low level classroom bullying.


 Bullying prevention:

www.transfinder.com/resources/school-bus-bullying-prevention     (Many thanks to Rebecca at Learner Haven for finding this resource!)


School circles: Bill Hubbard has created a blog site which will be of particular interest for those in secondary schools wanting to begin the use of circles to develop and maintain positive and healthy relationships within classrooms


Beginners guide to useful resources and reading: This link has been developed by Graeme George, Vice Rector at Villanova College in Brisbane. It is an extensive list of useful resources for schools beginning the journey into the restorative philosophy.


